Hi Friends and Family!
Over the past several months traveling around the world racing my bike, I have been focusing my prayers specifically towards the country of Haiti. Last spring, I had the amazing opportunity to serve in Haiti. My life was changed in all directions by meeting the people, caring for children, working on homes, and most importantly, seeing the lives transformed by spreading a message of Hope through Jesus Christ.
I have the very exciting opportunity to return to Haiti to serve the Lord through a mission trip sponsored by my church, Forest Hill in Charlotte, NC. The trip is this October 5th-12th (2013).
While in Haiti, my team will be serving the village of Minoterie and the Village of Champions. We will be at Mission of Hope (MOH), a Christian organization that has been located in Haiti for over 25 years! Some of the resources MOH offers to the Haitian Community are school, church, medical/disaster relief, orphan care and many more advancement opportunities! (visit http://www.mohhaiti.org/ to learn more!)
While in Haiti, I will be staying at the 75-acre Mission of Hope Campus. Mission of Hope is in the process in developing their campus daily and advancing the growth for all Haitians. Some of the exciting developments that my team will help serve in:
- A new addition to the MOH campus is a 35,000 square ft. warehouse that will soon feed of 100,000 children a day!
- Mission of Hope is home to over 65 orphans who have 24-hour care by "mommies" that live on the campus as well. MOH's goal is to spread to house 125 orphans by 2015
- Mission of Hope has a school (K-high school) which educates 3,000 children. In 2011-2012, MOH experienced a 100% passing rate and is the top 5% school in the nation.
- Mission of Hope has a medical center that consists of a prosthetic lap, a mobile clinic, and an outpatient clinic. Their hopes are to expand to a Hospital to better cater to those in need of medical help.
One of the ways you can help me with this trip is by your prayer. Pray for our team, Mission of Hope, and the men, women, and children of Haiti. It is only by prayer that I will be able to experience a return to Haiti.
There are financial costs to go to Haiti and serve on this trip. The cost of this trip is $1700 and each member of my team are separately responsible to raise money through support.
Gifts to the church, with an indication of preference for my trip are tax deducible to the extent allowed by law. If you are able to assist me, financially, on my trip to Haiti please: make checks payable to Forest Hill Church. Indicate "Mission Trip Haiti- October 2013" on the Memo line and NOT my name. Checks can be mailed to: 7724 Park Road, Charlotte, NC, 28210. (**Please indicate my name on a letter to ensure the gift goes to the cost of my trip**)
If you wish to make an online transaction, please visit:
Thank you for your prayers and donations, may God bless you as you consider involvement in supporting this mission.
Addy Albershardt
Letter to include if mailing a check:
We want to support the mission outreach of Forest Hill Church and we are sending a gift of $ , Our preference is that the gift be used to support the short-term mission that is participating on. We understand the use of the gift is subject to the discretion and control of Forest Hill Church.
Donor Name:
Street Address:
We want to support the mission outreach of Forest Hill Church and we are sending a gift of $ , Our preference is that the gift be used to support the short-term mission that is participating on. We understand the use of the gift is subject to the discretion and control of Forest Hill Church.
Donor Name:
Street Address:
PHONE: 704-716-8700 ~FAX 704-716-5501

Village of Levec:
The church worship at the Mission of Hope Campus
Sunrise on the Student dorms roof top:
Haitians are really good at playing soccer!